Our partners

Curating the best of all worlds

Diverse cultures, unique experiences, distinct locations. An explorative approach. Brought to life through insight and experience, with our partners at our side.

Chartering a stronger course

Exploring far horizons. Finding luxury at every turn. With Joro’s expertise in itinerary building and Burgess' access to the world’s finest yachts, we deliver unmatched experiences on land and sea.

If you would like to charter a yacht to the world's most remote regions, or include a yacht in a wider itinerary, please contact us.

Driving adventures forward

​Touring supercars around Icelandic ring-roads or steering super jeeps over rugged highlands. Four wheels is still the best way to explore many destinations, which is why we have partnered with White Label Events.

From private car events to joining a group exploring an exciting new destination, supercar routes to 4x4 adventures, Joro x WLE gives you access to the experts pioneering new adventures for the travel and automotive world. Contact us to learn more.