Booking terms & conditions

Section A of these terms and conditions applies to all bookings made with us.

Section B of these terms and conditions applies (in addition to Section A) to bookings of package trips.

Section A – All Bookings


In these booking terms the following terms will have the following meanings:

  1. “booking” the contract between you and us comprising a confirmation invoice and these booking terms and conditions:
  2. “we/us” Joro Experiences Limited incorporated in London with registered number 11021642 and having its registered office at Dorney House, 46-48a High Street, Burnham, Berkshire SL1 7JP
  3. “you” any individual who makes a booking with the Company and all members of their party.

Booking and payments

  1. Once your arrangements have been agreed a confirmation invoice will be issued to you. It is your responsibility to check this carefully and highlight any incorrect or incomplete information to us as soon as possible. All names must be as stated in the relevant passports. We have no responsibility for any errors except for those made by us.
  2. The total cost of your booking will include the following costs as specified in the confirmation invoice:
    1. planning fee; and
    2. a carbon offset fee to meet our commitments as a Certified B Corporation.
  3. To make a booking we must receive your written agreement to the confirmation invoice. A deposit of at least 30% of the estimated total cost of your arrangements as specified in the confirmation invoice must be paid within 2 working days of the date of issue to you of the confirmation invoice. If the start date of your arrangements is less than 3 months from the date of the confirmation invoice then a deposit of 100% of the total cost of your arrangements must be paid within 2 working days of the date of issue to you of the confirmation invoice. Payments must be made in the agreed currency by way of bank transfer to the bank account shown on the confirmation invoice. All remitter and recipient fees for payment by bank transfer must be paid by you.
  4. You must pay the full balance of the cost of your booking by the balance due date specified in the confirmation invoice. Payments must be made in the agreed currency by way of bank transfer to the bank account shown on the confirmation invoice. If full payment is not received by the balance due date we will treat your booking as cancelled and we will retain the full deposit. We also reserve the right to recover any balance due by you.
  5. If you or any members of your party have any special needs (e.g. a disability) or any special requests (e.g. particular dietary requirements) these should be made known to us while we are organising your arrangements and before we issue the confirmation invoice to you. We will endeavour to arrange for such special needs and requests to be met but cannot guarantee that they will be. We do not accept bookings that are conditional upon any special needs or requests being met.
  6. Additional arrangements can be requested after a booking is made. If these additional arrangements can be agreed, an additional confirmation invoice will be issued and an additional deposit will require to be paid on the same terms and in the same manner as the original deposit.
  7. All prices in the confirmation invoice will be based on costs and exchange rates as of the date of the confirmation invoice. We will endeavour to mitigate any increase in the cost of your arrangements. Increases in costs due to transportation costs including the cost of fuel or other power sources, increases due to any fluctuation in taxes or fees chargeable for travel services such as landing taxes or embarkations or disembarkation fees at ports and airports imposed by third parties not involved in performance of your booking, or any change in exchange rates relevant to your booking may be passed on to you.
  8. You will not be charged for any increase of up to 2% of the total cost of your arrangements specified in the confirmation invoice and any additional invoices and in the event that the cost of your arrangements goes down by more than 2% of the total cost as specified in your confirmation invoice and any additional invoices the difference will be repaid to you after the end of your booking.

Cancellation by you

If you wish to cancel your booking you must notify us in writing. In all circumstances where you cancel your deposit will be forfeited. If you cancel more than 3 months before the start date of your arrangements then the balance of your payment will not require to be made. If you cancel within 3 months of the start of your arrangements the full cost of your arrangements will be due. If the full cost of your arrangements has not been paid when you cancel, any balance due will require to be paid in the agreed currency by way of bank transfer to the bank account shown on the confirmation invoice within 2 working days of your cancellation notice. Different cancellation terms apply to package trips as set out in Section B.

  1. If you or any member of your party has to cancel or is prevented from travelling you may apply to us to transfer your or their place to someone else introduced by you provided that:

  1. you give reasonable notice, and in no event no less than seven days’ notice, of the intention to make a transfer before the start date of your arrangements;
  2. and the transferee satisfies all the necessary condition for the booking; and
  3. the transferee accepts these booking terms and provides evidence of travel insurance.

2. Where a transfer of a person can be made any additional costs and charges incurred by us or imposed by any of our suppliers will be charged to you together with an administration fee of £250. This must be paid within 5 working days of receipt by you of an invoice for the additional charges.

Changes and cancellations by us

  1. Occasionally we may have to make changes due to factors out of our control. If changes are minor you will not be entitled to a refund or to change your booking or to compensation. A significant change is a change made before your booking commences resulting in a reduction in the standard of your accommodation which, taking account of the information you gave us at the time you made your booking and which we could reasonably be expected to have known, we can reasonably expect to have a major effect on your trip. All other changes are minor changes.
  2. If we have to make a significant change we will inform you as soon as reasonably possible. We will offer you the choice of one of the following options:
    accepting the change or
    accepting arrangements with us of a similar standard to that of your original booking if substitutes are available or
    accepting substitute arrangements of a lower standard to that of your original booking if substitutes are available.
  3. If the alternative arrangements are cheaper than your original booking we will refund the price difference and if it is more expensive you will be charged for the difference.
  4. Subject to the following exceptions, if we have to cancel your booking we will, where compensation is appropriate, pay you reasonable compensation depending on the circumstances and the time that the cancellation is notified to you. Compensation will not be payable and no liability beyond offering the alternatives set out above will be accepted where:
    1. we or one of our suppliers are forced to make a change or cancel as a result of unusual and unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control, the consequences of which we could not have avoided even with all due care or
    2. we have to cancel because the size of your party has been reduced by you to an unviable number or
    3. where a significant change is made (which you accept) prior to or at the time of issuing your confirmation invoice.
    4. No compensation will be payable and the alternatives set out above will not be available if we cancel as a result of:
    5. any requirement of these booking terms and conditions entitling us to cancel (such as you failing to pay on time) or
    6. any failure attributable to a third party unconnected with the performance of your booking which is unforeseeable or unavoidable.

Force Majeure

Except where otherwise expressly stated in these booking terms and conditions we will not be liable to or pay you compensation if our contractual obligations to you are affected by any event which we or any supplier(s) of any service(s) in question could not, even if all reasonable measures had been taken, foresee or avoid. These events can include, but are not limited to war, threat of war, civil strife, terrorist activity and its consequences or the threat of such activity, riot, epidemics, pandemics or other outbreaks of illness, the act of any government or other national or local authority including port or river authorities, industrial dispute, lock closure, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, chemical or biological disaster and adverse weather, sea, ice and river conditions and all similar events outside our or any supplier’s control. Advice from the Foreign Office to avoid or leave a particular country may constitute Force Majeure.

Brochure Accuracy

All efforts are taken to ensure that the details set out in any printed brochures and literature are correct at the time of going to press. However, changes and errors can occur and we reserve the right to make changes. If changes are made we will notify you before any booking is made. We reserve the right to amend any advertised prices before any booking is made.

Passports, visas, health and insurance

It is your responsibility to ensure you hold passports that are valid for your trip. We cannot accept any liability if you are refused entry onto any transport or into any country due to failure on your part to carry all required documentation.
We will make every effort to inform you of any visa requirements but such requirements may change and you should check current requirements with us before departure. It is your responsibility to ensure that you comply with all relevant requirements and take with you all documents likely to be required during your booking. We will not be liable to you if you fail to have the correct documentation.

If failure to have the correct documentation results in fines, surcharges or other financial penalties or expenses being imposed on or incurred by us, you will be responsible for reimbursing us accordingly.

Due to the special nature of and risks attached to some of the activities that you might undertake during your booking you confirm that you have voluntarily chosen to make a booking and proceed with it notwithstanding any hazards and dangers.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you are aware of all recommended and required vaccinations, health precautions, screening and self-isolation requirements for destinations that you are visiting (including those that you are transiting through) that might affect you.

Due to the special nature of some of the arrangements we make, we reserve the right, in our sole and absolute discretion, to require you at your own expense to provide us with a medical certificate or other documentation obtained from a medical practitioner confirming that, in the medical practitioner’s belief, you and all other members of your party are sufficiently fit and healthy to undertake the booking. It is your responsibility to take all appropriate medical advice prior to the commencement of your booking as to whether or not you are fit enough to undertake your booking.

Due to the special nature of some of the arrangements we make, we make it is an essential requirement of your booking that you take out travel insurance. As a minimum your insurance should include cover for cancellation by you and us, assistance in the event of accident or illness (including helicopter rescue and repatriation) and, if relevant, the sporting use of firearms and other weaponry or other equipment involved in the given activity. Full disclosure of all activities to be undertaken as part of your booking must be made to the insurer. You will be deemed to have taken out adequate insurance upon payment of your deposit. We reserve the right to require evidence of your travel insurance prior to the start of your booking and if your insurance cover does not meet the minimum requirements specified in these booking terms and conditions, we reserve the right to require you to take out additional cover, failing which your booking will be cancelled. If your booking requires to be cancelled due to inadequate travel insurance after your deposit or balance of payment has been received we have no obligation to refund any payment or pay compensation to you. The responsibility to have adequate travel insurance will remain with you at all times regardless of whether we have checked your policy or not. If you choose to travel without adequate insurance cover, we will not be liable for any losses whatsoever arising, in respect of which insurance cover would otherwise have been available.

Our liabilities to you
Our liability under Section A of these terms and conditions is limited to the price paid for each affected person’s booking.
Nothing in these terms and conditions excludes or limits our liability for: (i) death or personal injury caused by our negligence, (ii) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, or (iii) any other limitation that is excluded by law from time to time.

We will not be responsible or pay you compensation for any injury, illness, death, loss, damage, expense, cost or other claim of any description if it results from or relates to:-
the act(s) and/or omission(s) of the person(s) affected;
the act(s) and/or omission(s) of a third party unconnected with the provision of the services contracted for and which were unforeseeable or unavoidable;
unusual or unforeseeable circumstances beyond ours or our supplier(s) control, the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all due care had been exercised;
an event which either ourselves or our suppliers could not, even with all due care, have foreseen or forestalled
for any services or facilities which do not form part of your booking;
which on the basis of the information given to us by you concerning your booking, we could not have foreseen you would suffer or incur if we breached our contract with you on the basis of the information given to us by you at the time you made your booking;
any business activity; or
force majeure as described in clause 5 of these booking terms and conditions.

Your responsibilities to us
You must at all times avoid causing damage, distress, danger or annoyance to third parties and you must comply at all times with any reasonable instructions of any of our representatives, agents or suppliers.
You will be responsible for the cost of repairing or replacing any damage to property caused by you.
You must comply with all of your other obligations under these booking terms and conditions.

We will make every effort to ensure that your booking runs smoothly but if you do have a problem during your booking please inform us immediately on either the emergency number detailed in your booking confirmation or, if calling during UK office hours, on 00 44 7747 604 800 and we will endeavour to put things right. If the problem cannot be resolved and you wish to complain further, you must send formal written notice of your complaint to us within 28 days of the end of your booking.

Financial Security
We carry insurance to cover our liabilities in the very unlikely event of our insolvency.

Data protection and privacy
We will ensure that appropriate measures are in place to protect your personal data in line with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK General Data Protection Regulation. When you make a booking you consent to your information (which may include sensitive information) being passed on to our suppliers, agents, sub-contractors and employees who are responsible for your travel arrangements.
You have the right to withdraw the consent you have given at any time by telephoning us on +44 2078 460 318 or writing to us at This will not affect the lawfulness of any processing carried out by us before you withdraw your consent.
How we use any personal data you give us is set out in our Privacy Policy:

Law and jurisdiction
The booking and any matters arising from it will be governed by and construed in accordance with laws of England and we and you prorogate the jurisdiction of the English courts.

Section B – Additional terms for package trips

Your trip will be a package if you book a combination of at least two different types of the following separate travel services, for the purposes of the same trip:

  1. transport (including flights, trains and coaches);
  2. accommodation;
  3. rental of motor vehicles (includes cars and motorcycles); and
  4. any other tourist service (including but not limited to excursions, guided tours or ski passes) not intrinsically part of one of the above services in (i)-(iii) above,

Provided that those travel services are purchased together or are sold or charged at an inclusive or total price.

A package will not exist where:

  1. one of the travel services listed in (i)-(iii) above is combined with a tourist service; and
  2. the tourist service is not advertised as an essential feature of the combination or does not account for more than 25% or more of the value of the package.

Our liabilities to you

  1. Under the Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018 we are responsible for the performance of the travel services included in your package booking.
  2. In the event that a significant proportion of the travel services included in your package trip cannot be provided as agreed in the booking, we shall offer, at no extra cost to you, suitable alternative arrangements for the continuation of the package trip. Where possible, the suitable alternative arrangements will be of equivalent or higher quality than those agreed in the booking. If the alternative arrangements are of a lower quality you will be entitled to a price reduction. You are entitled to reject the alternative arrangements we offer to you if they are not comparable to what was agreed in the booking or if the price reductions is inadequate. In the event that you reject the alternative arrangements, or if we are not able to offer them, then you may subject to the terms of these terms and conditions be entitled to a price reduction and/or compensation.
  3. You must notify us immediately of any lack of conformity to your booking during your trip. We will endeavour to resolve any lack of conformity unless it is impossible to do so or costs would be disproportionate taking into account the lack of conformity.
  4. If we do not address the lack of conformity within a reasonable period or if there is an immediate need to resolve the lack of conformity, you are entitled to resolve it yourself if you think it is necessary to do so and to request reimbursement of any necessary expenses. For the avoidance of doubt, these rights will not arise if remedying the lack of conformity is impossible or entails disproportionate costs.
  5. If we are unable to resolve the lack of conformity that substantially affects the performance of the package, you may terminate the booking and will entitled to an appropriate price reduction and compensation (if appropriate).
  6. You will not be entitled to compensation for damages if the lack of conformity is attributable to the you, to unforeseeable or unavoidable actions of a third party not connected to any of the travel services in the package or due to unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances.
  7. Our liability to you under Section B of these terms and conditions is limited to three times the total price of the package.


  1. We shall provide you with prompt assistance should you find yourself in difficulty whilst on your trip. Such assistance will mainly include providing information on aspects such as health services, local authorities and consular assistance, as well as practical help.
  2. If you require assistance that is not due to any failure by us, we will not be liable for the costs of any alternative travel arrangements or other such assistance you require. We reserve the right to charge you a reasonable fee for assistance if the difficulty is caused intentionally by you or your party through you or your party’s negligence.
  3. We do not own or provide any of the services, facilities or travel arrangements which make up your package trip. These are provided by third party suppliers whom we arrange to provide the services, facilities or travel arrangements which make up your package trip. The terms and conditions of the third-party suppliers shall also therefore apply to your package trip.

Changes and cancellations

  1. Price increase – Any increase in prices will be notified to you, along with a justification, no less than 20 days before the start of your booking. Any price changes over 8% of the original booking price other than for additions to your package are considered to be a significant change to the main characteristics of the package and entitle you to terminate the booking without paying a termination fee.
  2. Price reduction – You will be entitled to a price reduction if there is a decrease to: (a) transport costs due to fuel prices other power sources, (b) taxes or fees on travel services imposed by third parties, or (c) exchange rates relevant to the package.
  3. Booking – In the event that we regretfully have to make a significant change to your booking or cannot fulfil any special requirements which we had previously accepted we will inform you without undue delay and will provide you with the option to terminate the contract without paying any termination fee.
  4. Cancellation by you – In the event that unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances occur (a situation beyond the control of you and which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken) at the destination or its immediate vicinity which significantly affect the performance of your booking or the carriage of passengers to the destination you may cancel your booking without paying a termination fee. We will provide you with a full refund without undue delay and in any event no later than 14 days after cancellation. You will have the option to receive a refund in the form of a credit note or cash but, if you accept a credit note, you will not have the right to subsequently exchange the credit note for cash.
  5. Cancellation by us – We may terminate the booking where we are prevented from performing the contract because of unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances.